Sales Enrichment Agro Solutions

Acumant > Sales Enrichment Agro Solutions

Sales Enrichment Agro Solution (SEAS) is an add on solution developed on Dynamics CE which integrates multiple external data sources within Danish Agriculture sector to provide dynamic updated data with regard to farmers, lands they own, crops they cultivate, cattle they own etc.

Danish farmers update information at various frequencies with Ministry of Environment and Food (Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri) which is extracted through the integrations developed and provided with in Dynamics CE. The solutions also integrate with VIRK for extracting financial information and Danmarks Domstole for extracting mortgage details on Harvest.

Solution’s salient features include:

  • Integration of various data sources mentioned above
  • Data loading into customized forms created with in Dynamics CE
  • Trending of data to show growth and de-growth

Solution could be used to arrive at potential leads that can be targeted, and plans can be built on taking further steps from there.

SEAS would be a handy solution for Agro customers who use Dynamics CE to understand their customers better which will help in enriching their sales and customer experiences.

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